Meet the BabyJabs clinical team

When you bring your child in for an appointment at BabyJabs, these are the people you might see (depending on which clinic you attend and on what day).

Dr Gurpreet Gill from the BabyJabs clinical team for childhood vaccinations

GP and BabyJabs Specialist
Dr Gurpreet K Gill

Nurse Heli Korte from the BabyJabs clinical team for childhood vaccinations

BabyJabs Specialist Nurse
Heli Korte

Nurse Amanda Okunola from the BabyJabs clinical team for childhood vaccinations

Advanced Nurse Practitioner Amanda Okunola

BabyJabs logo

Registered Nurse Shabana Ali

Nurse Prescriber
Jenny Henderson

Jane Paterson from the BabyJabs clinical team for childhood vaccinations

Advanced Nurse Practitioner Jane Paterson

Maternity Practitioner & Infant Sleep Coach Emma Roberts

Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Ali Ajaz

Individual advice about what’s right for your child

Need advice about your child’s vaccinations? Our clinical team is here to help.