What is the NHS Immunisation Schedule?

In the UK, childhood vaccinations are usually administered under the NHS Immunisation Schedule. This programme starts at eight weeks of age because small babies are most vulnerable to serious complications of infections.

Why you might choose an alternative immunisation schedule

Infants’ developing immune and nervous systems may be susceptible to side effects of vaccines and there is some evidence to suggest that slightly delaying some vaccinations could reduce the risk of developing conditions such as eczema.

It is also extremely unlikely that a baby will contract diseases such as tetanus, polio and diphtheria in the first few months of age.

The NHS immunisation schedule is one of the most concentrated in the world

Babies born in the UK on or after 1st August 2017 receive:

  • Eight vaccines in two injections and one orally at two months of age (6-in-1, meningitis B and rotavirus)
  • Eight vaccines in two injections and one orally at three months (6-in-1, PCV and rotavirus)
  • Seven vaccines in two injections at four months (6-in-1 and meningitis B)

A 6-in-1 combination vaccine is the cornerstone of the UK immunisation schedule. However, new combination vaccines are not tested for long-term safety as it is assumed that side effects will be no more than if the vaccines were given separately.

The NHS schedule involves giving all babies 30 vaccines in 10 injections plus two given orally by the age of 15 months. Babies living in certain areas are also offered the BCG vaccine at birth.

The current full NHS schedule is listed below: 

Got questions? You can find the answers to our most frequently asked questions here.

Babies under 1-year-old

Age Vaccines
8 weeks

6-in-1 vaccine (1st dose)

(Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (whooping cough), Polio, Hib, Hepatitis B)

Rotavirus vaccine

Meningitis B (1st dose)

12 weeks

6-in-1 vaccine (2nd dose)

Pneumococcal (PCV) vaccine (1st dose)

Rotavirus vaccine (2nd dose)

16 weeks

6-in-1 vaccine (3rd dose)

Meningitis B (2nd dose)

Children aged 1 to 15

Age Vaccines
1 year Hib-Meningitis C (1st dose)

Measles, mumps & rubella (MMR) (1st dose)

Pneumococcal (PCV) vaccine (2nd dose)

Meningitis B (3rd dose)

2 to 10 years Flu vaccine (every year)
3 years and 4 months MMR (2nd dose)

4-in-1 pre-school booster

(Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping cough, Polio)

12 to 13 years Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
14 years 3-in-1 teenage booster

(Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio)

Meningitis ACWY

Do you want more choice about when your child is vaccinated and which vaccines they receive?

You’re not alone if you would like more choices about when your child is vaccinated and which vaccines they receive. This is why BabyJabs was created in 2007.

You can find out more about our private childhood immunisation service on our Why BabyJabs page or you can book a consultation to ask questions and discuss your child’s individual vaccination needs.

Following the NHS schedule but need to get it done privately?

Sometimes, the timing of the NHS schedule doesn’t work for parents due to travel or other commitments. If you want the same vaccines that would be offered on the NHS, we can also help.